Cherry Blossom and the Golden Stag

When you meet the myth

Zlatka Larsen
The Junction
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2022


It’s been several two days since the hunter was trying to find prey without success. Every hour his hunt led him deeper and deeper into the forest. He knew he was getting short on time but he wasn’t ready to give up yet. One more day before he goes home. One more day.

Suddenly he thought he saw something shiny. Something quickly appeared and disappeared. What was it?

He didn’t think about it much but followed by instinct. He was a hunter after all.

Then again, there it was. And again. The more he run the quicker it moved as if it were playing with him some sort of a game. He was sure it was more than his imagination, there was something worth pursuing.

He kept running. It would have been silly to give up after several days of futile efforts. And then, he saw it. A beautiful golden stag looking his way. They locked eyes. He thought he was dreaming. A white stag with golden antlers, skin so shining it appeared to reflect the sun. Was it true there were hidden diamonds in the fur? That had to be just a fairy tale. But nevertheless, just the coat was worth a fortune. And the antlers — could they be really golden?

There was a moment of hesitation. Too good to be true. But then, didn’t he hear the stories of hunters getting rich after bringing back such a trophy?

The hunter knew he had to keep going.

The animal just smirked and disappeared into the forest. And so he run. And run. He was exhausted, running on his pride alone.

He was out of breath. The sun was coming down but he still couldn’t get a good shot. He tried but the stag always managed to evade him. Whenever he felt like giving up, he could see the stag for a second, as if to remind him of what was at stake. Just a few more steps…

Suddenly, the stag led him to a clearing. Blooming cherry orchard drenched in sun, a spot so beautiful and eerily quiet. The stag was truly magnificent now standing in full view. Maybe he could touch it?

Not for a moment, it occurred him that it was too late for cherry trees to be in bloom, or that he was way too deep in the forest for any orchards. Where were all the birds that should be singing there?

A wind rose, picking up the cherry blossom petals, twirling them above the ground. He could not see much but he still went in direction of where the stag stood.

There was no stag. There was a beautiful girl, covered only in her golden hair and the twirling petals. She smiled and waved at him, luring him closer.

He smiled, ignoring the bone he tripped on. Or another one he stepped on. White human bones littering the ground. It was just him and her.

Then the wind rose and all that could be seen were pink cherry petals in a mesmerising storm. Once they settle, there will be just a few more bones on the ground.



Zlatka Larsen
The Junction

I love writing short stories and stuff. My book Counting Shadows is available on Kindle.